Saturday, December 15, 2012

Truth, Risks and Bravery

We often hear this words “I’m Okay or I’m alright” whenever we ask people how they are feeling. But are they really telling us the truth?

These words are already a cliché. You know what I mean, right? We often say things we don’t mean. Why say you’re okay when you know that deep down your hurting? This is our biggest mistake, we tend to hide things because we’re afraid of rejection, being weak and showing emotions. There’s nothing wrong at being weak, or rejection because life is not always a smooth ride, you have to go through a series of challenges and take risks not just to prove something but to see the better side of everything.

We all are afraid but we also need to be brave. When you know that you’re not doing well or emotionally unstable then express;  tell your friends, family or God about your feelings because whatever things you’re going through, they’ll always stay with you. So, learn from it  and you’ll see the brighter side of it.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Stress strikes again.

This 2nd semester, i only have 5 subjects which include 2 major subjects and 3 minor subjects.

For this semester, we are having 3 days duty in the hospital but this time it's not only 8 hours per day but 12 hours per day which includes some enhancements after our 8 hours duty at the hospital. Stressing right?

But there's one subject which is really stressful, it's only a minor subject but feels like a major subject.

CA or Competence Appraisal is the subject that can trigger your migraine and can caused insomia. The subject which holds the key to our diploma.

During our CA which is scheduled on a Saturday, all we do is take a long test and the following saturday would be the rationalization of the long test taken. This goes on until the end of the semester. It may sound easy but actually it's not. You have to juggle your time in studying and doing your requirements for the duty. The topics are so long and broad and not all you've studied are seen in the questions. That's the tricky part there.

They say it's like our preparation for the board exam but why does it have to be the biggest influence to get a diploma? It's a minor subject but once you fail at it, dreams are flushed down into the drain.

So when I say stress strikes again, it will strike while the iron is hot.

Much love: kaye :*

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